Organska Matcha Ceremonialnega razreda
Doživite tradicijo japonske čajne kulture z Matcho najvišje kakovosti. Začnite svoje popotovanje danes.
Kolekcija plakatov “Made in Heaven”
Plakat Zen Elixir
Redna cena Od €9,90 EURRedna cenaCena za kos / za -
Plakat Matcha Latte
Redna cena Od €9,90 EURRedna cenaCena za kos / za -
Plakat Made in Heaven
Redna cena Od €9,90 EURRedna cenaCena za kos / za -
Plakat Calm cup
Redna cena Od €9,90 EURRedna cenaCena za kos / za -
Plakat Matcha O`clock
Redna cena Od €9,90 EURRedna cenaCena za kos / za
"MATCHA: kjer se zdravje in sreča zlijeta v popolno harmonijo."
Dobrodošli v matcha svet harmonije in zdravja, kjer z vsakim požirkom doživite izkušnjo dobrega počutja in notranjega ravnovesja.
Zakaj naša Matcha?
100% Organska Matcha
- 100% Organska matcha najvišjega - ceremonialnega razreda
- brez dodatkov, sladil ali olj
- bogata z antioksidanti in vitamini
- izboljšuje osredotočenost in koncentracijo
- pomirja in povečuje nivo energije
- lahko spodbuja izgubo telesne teže
Najvišja kakovost
Naša Matcha je 100% organska ceremonialna kakovost, najboljša kakovost, ki jo lahko dobite.
Pri gojenju in pridelavi naše Matche so uporabljene samo 100 % organske prakse. Brez pesticidov, brez kemikalij.
Izvira iz Japonske, kjer že stoletja predstavlja pomemben del tradicionalnih čajnih ceremonij. Gre za skrbno izbrane najmlajše liste, ki zagotavljajo izjemno bogat umami okus in najvišjo kakovost. Uživajte v pristnem okusu japonske čajne kulture z našo Matcho.
Direktno iz Japonske
Našo matcho pridobivamo s certificirane ekološke kmetije na Japonskem. Vsaka serija matche je sveže mleta pred pošiljanjem v naše skladišče. Z pridobivanjem matche neposredno iz Japonske lahko ponudimo matcho najboljše kakovosti, ki ohranja vse zdravju koristne sestavine.
Osupljiv okus
Organsko Matcho najvišjega ceremonialnega razreda odlikuje izjemno bogat umami okus, ki združuje globoke in masleno cvetlične arome.
Pozdravljeni, sem Emily
Zame je bilo ključno najti matcho, ki ni le okusna, temveč tudi varna za vsakodnevno uživanje. Po preizkušanju številnih matcha napitkov sem našla matcho v katero sem se zaljubila.
Let customers speak for us
from 9 reviewsTa matcha je ena izmed bolj kakovostnih kar sem jih pila. Ena znamka mi je sicer boljša, a ta je takoj za Njo.
Super najboljša matcha.
Ker imam zdravstvene težave sem nehala uživati kavo, ker je bila preveč agresivna za moj želodec (tudi brezkofeinska), prijateljica mi je priporočila matcho, najprej sem probala par drugih, potem pa mi je povedala za tole, in razlika je res očitna že v barvi in okusu, kot tudi v počutju kasneje, pa še moj želodček se počuti super.
Tako, da hvala, hvala, hvala prijateljici in Matcha-Concept. :D
As an avid matcha enthusiast, drinking matcha has become a cherished part of my daily routine. Each morning, I look forward to whisking a spoonful of this vibrant green powder into hot water, creating a frothy, rich drink that invigorates my senses. The earthy, slightly sweet flavor of matcha is both soothing and energizing, providing a perfect start to my day.
One of the most remarkable benefits I've experienced from regularly drinking matcha is the noticeable improvement in my overall health. Matcha is renowned for its high antioxidant content, and incorporating it into my diet has given me a significant boost in energy and mental clarity. I find that I can focus better and sustain my energy levels throughout the day without the jitters that often come with coffee.
Additionally, my skin has taken on a healthier glow, and I feel more vibrant and balanced. The calming effects of matcha also help me manage stress more effectively, making it easier to maintain a positive outlook and overall well-being. Drinking matcha has truly become a beloved ritual that not only delights my taste buds but also supports my health in profound ways.
It’s much tastier than the one you can get at your local supermarket. These can be a bit bitter, unlike matcha-concept which has an intense natural and slightly sweet flavour.
I did tried different matchas once or twice before but it was just not my cup of tea.
Then I gave it one more try with this one and its on my daily to-do list ever since.
You taste the difference and it makes a difference.
Definitely the best matcha I have tasted. The right amount of strong flavour so you can taste the quality but not overpowering. Would recommend to everyone.
I've been drinking matcha regularly for several years now and I've tried many brands, but I'm the most satisfied with this one. The taste, texture and color is divine. I definitely recommend it.
I was amazed by the quality of matcha - the best one I ever tried! You can see is something special, so I would recommend it to everybody. Shippinf was very fast, I received a package in 2 days.